Ashtanga is one of the oldest yoga systems / schools and it is based on the original philosophy where practicing yoga was based on working with the breath, mind and body, helping us to understand and direct our attention to ourselves. This yoga system is based on the harmonization of breath with movement when changing positions in a precisely defined sequence. Although ashtanga yoga may seem at first glance as a demanding physical exercise that is devoted only to the body and its flexibility, it is not so. Asana (position) is only a tool for you to feel the depth of yoga. Thanks to the conscious breath of the limbs, you can feel the power of your breath and experience a state of calmness of the mind and you can feel deeper contact with yourself. In this yoga system, movement and breath are precisely linked, and that is why practicing ashtanga yoga is a pronounced moving meditation.

Ashtanga yoga lessons held at Harmnony studio take a form both of an open class (every Thursday at 19:55) and of a course, which requires registration in advance. The course starts on 16th of January 2020, every Thursday at 18:30. The price of the course is 50 €.

This course is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate students who want to deepen their yoga practice, try a more comprehensive approach and understand the basic context and benefits of yoga.